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I am responsible for:


-The salt and pepper shaker both modeling and shading.


-I did the shader for the silverware.


-I modeled and shaded the paper without the words on it.


-I modeled and shaded the candle and the glass holder that the candle is sitting in.



Who I am can only be illustrated in the poetic embodiment of my expressive self;


Art is a nexus for creativity and as a creator I see every little detail. From the way something is constructed to the way that light wraps around it. I embrace my imagination so that i can make beautiful masterpieces whether  digitally or traditionally. Who i am can only ever be explained in the poetic embodiment of my expressive self. So with all of my sences i am able to visualize emotion. I am an Artist.


Art is a nexus for creativity and creation. As a creator I see every detail, from the way an object is constructed, to how the light wraps around it. I embrace my imagination in order to create beautiful masterpieces in digital or traditional art forms.  That is how I consider my to be an artist, and through that I use senses to visualize emotion.

I am a visual effects and design artist, who works in both 3-D and 2-D mediums; such as graphic design, 3-D animation, visual effects, and traditional art mediums.


I would like to concentrate my efforts into becoming a CG modelling specialist and texture artist eventually shifting my focus to film and cinematics.

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